Executive Function Coaching

Do you find it hard to keep track of assignments and deadlines?

Are you a professional struggling with managing your work-life balance?

If you're noticing that tasks are slipping through the cracks and you're seeking some guidance, Executive Function Coaching is specifically tailored to help you streamline your life, and reduce shame, no matter your age or stage.

What are the benefits of Executive Function Coaching?

  • One of the primary benefits of executive function coaching is better time management. Individuals learn to prioritize tasks, estimate how much time activities will take, set realistic deadlines, and stick to a schedule. This can be especially beneficial for those who feel constantly behind or overwhelmed by their responsibilities.

  • Coaching helps individuals develop systems to organize their physical and digital spaces, manage their paperwork, and keep track of tasks and responsibilities. This can lead to a cleaner living and working environment and a clearer mind.

  • Many people struggle with procrastination or difficulty starting tasks. Executive function coaching provides strategies to overcome these hurdles, helping individuals to start and complete tasks in a timely manner.

  • Coaches work with clients to develop techniques to improve concentration and minimize distractions. This can be particularly helpful in environments that are rich in distractions, such as school settings or open office layouts.

  • Executive function coaching helps individuals manage their emotions and impulses better, enabling them to make decisions that are in their best interest in the long-term rather than opting for immediate gratification.

  • With improved organizational skills and emotional regulation, decision-making also improves. Individuals learn to evaluate options based on long-term outcomes and personal values, which leads to better choices in both personal and professional contexts.

  • By mastering executive functions, individuals often experience less stress. They feel more in control of their lives and less at the mercy of chaotic circumstances or looming deadlines.

  • For students, executive function coaching can lead to better grades, more effective study habits, and improved classroom behavior. For adults in the workplace, these skills can lead to better job performance, higher productivity, and improved career advancement opportunities.

  • As individuals gain control over their tasks and responsibilities, their self-confidence tends to increase. They become more self-assured in their ability to handle challenges and meet their goals.

Why work with Michelle?

Choosing Michelle as your executive function coach means partnering with a dedicated professional who brings a wealth of expertise and a compassionate approach to every session. With over a decade of clinical experience as a therapist working with neurodivergent folks, and as a certified ADHD-Certified Clinical Services Provider, Michelle is uniquely equipped to help you harness your cognitive abilities and transform your approach to challenges. She understands the profound impact of executive function difficulties and specializes in creating personalized strategies that cater to the unique needs of each client. Michelle's commitment extends beyond mere coaching; she aims to empower you to overcome any feelings of shame and to work harmoniously with your brain's natural inclinations. Her approach fosters not just better productivity, but also self-acceptance and growth. If you're seeking a path to enhance your executive functions and overall life management, Michelle is an excellent choice.

What our clients have to say

  • "Working with Michelle has been a game-changer for me. Her tailored strategies and empathetic approach have not only improved my productivity but also boosted my self-confidence immensely."

    -working professional

  • "Michelle's coaching was a lifesaver for our family; it completely transformed my relationship with my child. Her guidance helped us understand each other better and work together more effectively, strengthening our bond in ways I never thought possible."

    -parent of a teen

  • "Michelle’s coaching has been pivotal for me as a multi-passionate entrepreneur with ADHD. Her expert strategies have enabled me to channel my energies productively, turning my diverse passions into successful business ventures."


Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) for Executive Functioning Coaching

What is executive functioning coaching?

Executive functioning coaching is a specialized form of coaching that focuses on developing and enhancing cognitive skills necessary for effective functioning in various aspects of life. These skills include time management, organization, planning, problem-solving, self-regulation, and goal setting.

Who can benefit from executive functioning coaching?

Anyone looking to improve their ability to manage daily tasks, responsibilities, and goals can benefit from executive functioning coaching. This includes students struggling with academic performance, professionals seeking to optimize productivity, individuals with ADHD or other neurodevelopmental disorders, and anyone looking to enhance their overall cognitive functioning.

How does executive functioning coaching differ from traditional coaching?

While traditional coaching may focus on specific goals or skill enhancement in a particular area, executive functioning coaching takes a more holistic approach. It addresses the underlying cognitive processes that influence one's ability to achieve those goals. Executive functioning coaches work to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth in executive functioning skills and provide personalized strategies to improve them.

How does executive functioning coaching help neurodivergent individuals?

Neurodivergent individuals, such as those with ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, dyslexia, or other neurodevelopmental conditions, often face unique challenges related to executive functioning. Executive functioning coaching provides tailored support to help them understand their cognitive strengths and weaknesses, develop compensatory strategies, and navigate daily tasks more effectively. It promotes self-advocacy and empowers neurodivergent individuals to thrive in their personal and professional lives.

Is executive functioning coaching only for students or individuals with neurodivergent profiles?

No, executive functioning coaching is beneficial for people from all walks of life. While it is commonly associated with students struggling academically or individuals with neurodivergent profiles, anyone looking to improve their cognitive functioning, productivity, and overall well-being can benefit from executive functioning coaching. 

How long does executive functioning coaching typically last?

The duration of executive functioning coaching can vary depending on individual needs, goals, and the complexity of challenges being addressed. Some clients may only require a few sessions to learn specific strategies and techniques, while others may benefit from longer-term coaching to implement and refine those skills over time. Executive functioning coaches work collaboratively with clients to establish clear objectives and tailor coaching plans to meet their unique needs and preferences.