Discover Collaborative Neuropsychological Evaluations at Prism Therapy Collective

Our expert team evaluates cognitive, emotional, and behavioral aspects, collaborating with therapists for personalized care. Ideal for adolescents and adults with ADHD, Autism, learning disabilities, brain injuries, or mental health issues, our assessments offer deep self-understanding and empower you to find the support you need. Experience inclusive, evidence-based care for better understanding and management of your unique cognitive profile.

*Neuropsych evaluations are currently only available for clients located in Massachusetts. They can be completed virtually or in person in Westborough or Acton, MA.

What is Included in a Neuropsych Evaluation at Prism Therapy Collective?

  • Our evaluation process begins with a comprehensive review of the patient's history, allowing us to gain a full understanding of their background and any relevant medical or psychological factors. This is followed by a detailed discussion of the patient's specific concerns and symptoms, which helps us in pinpointing areas that need particular attention. Additionally, we provide a thorough explanation of the evaluation process, ensuring that our clients are well-informed and comfortable with each step of their journey towards understanding and wellness.

  • Our approach includes an in-depth exploration of the patient's medical, psychological, and educational background. This comprehensive review ensures a thorough understanding of each individual's unique history and context. Alongside this, we engage in insightful discussions about the patient's current symptoms and challenges. This dialogue is crucial for identifying current concerns and tailoring our evaluation to address specific needs and goals.

  • Our evaluation process involves the utilization of standardized tests to thoroughly assess a range of cognitive abilities, including memory, attention, language, and problem-solving skills. This comprehensive testing is crucial for gaining an accurate understanding of each patient's cognitive profile. In addition to cognitive testing, we conduct a detailed evaluation of mood, personality, and emotional well-being. This holistic approach allows us to capture a complete picture of our patients’ mental health, aiding in the development of a tailored and effective care plan.

  • Throughout the evaluation process, we place a strong emphasis on the careful observation of behaviors, interactions, and emotional responses. This aspect of the evaluation is key to understanding the client in real-time situations, providing valuable insights that go beyond standardized testing results. These observations help in painting a fuller picture of the client's behavioral and emotional landscape.

  • Our approach includes a meticulous analysis of the client's previous medical reports, diagnostic scans, and other relevant documents. This review is crucial in providing a comprehensive understanding of the client's medical history and any pre-existing conditions or treatments. It ensures that our evaluations are informed and nuanced, taking into account all pertinent health information.

  • Following the evaluation, we conduct an in-depth feedback session with the client. This session is dedicated to discussing the results of the evaluation in detail and providing a clear, comprehensive explanation of our findings. This dialogue is central to ensuring that our clients understand their evaluation outcomes and how these results can inform their path forward.

  • Each client receives a detailed written summary of their evaluation outcomes. This comprehensive report includes tailored recommendations for treatment, educational accommodations, or specific interventions as needed. The report is designed to be a useful tool for both the client and any other professionals involved in their care, ensuring that all parties are aligned in the client's treatment plan.

  • We offer availability for additional consultations upon request, understanding that questions or needs may arise post-evaluation. Moreover, we provide referrals to specialized professionals or services as required, ensuring that our clients have access to the comprehensive support they need for their continued care and well-being.

  • Our practice actively collaborates with a network of physicians, therapists, and educators to ensure a holistic and integrated approach to each client’s care. This coordination is fundamental in providing multi-faceted support, ensuring that all aspects of the client's health and well-being are addressed in a cohesive and informed manner.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

About Neuropsychological Evaluations

What is a Neuropsychological Evaluation?

A neuropsychological evaluation is a detailed assessment of an adolescent's cognitive, behavioral, and emotional functioning, using observation, standardized tests, and questionnaires. It helps in understanding how experiences and brain functions impact thinking and behavior, offers diagnostic clarity for a person’s symptoms, and provides treatment recommendations.

Who Needs a Neuropsychological Evaluation?

Individuals who might benefit from a neuropsychological evaluation include those with symptoms of memory loss, attention deficits, learning difficulties, brain injuries, neurological conditions, psychiatric disorders, or developmental concerns.

Can a Neuropsychological Evaluation Diagnose Conditions like ADHD and Autism?

Yes, neuropsychological evaluations are crucial tools for diagnosing conditions like ADHD or autism, disorders in older adults, and other cognitive and neurological syndromes. The tests help in differentiating between various conditions and understanding their specific impacts.

What is Involved in the Evaluation Process?

The process typically includes a clinical interview, review of academic and medical history, questionnaires completed by the patient (and sometimes family), and a series of standardized tests assessing areas like memory, attention, language, problem-solving, and academic skills. 

How is an Evaluation Conducted and How Long Does It Take?

Our neuropsychological evaluations begin with a clinical interview, followed by a series of tests and questionnaires. These tests, which may be pencil-and-paper or computer-based, assess a range of cognitive abilities such as memory, attention, language, and problem-solving skills. The length of the evaluation varies based on the complexity of the issues being assessed, typically ranging from 2 to 5 hours. Depending on individual needs, the evaluation can be conducted in a single session or over multiple appointments.

Why Might an Adolescent Need a Neuropsychological Evaluation?

Adolescents may need this evaluation for several reasons, including difficulties with learning, attention, behavior, mood, and social interactions, or if they have a medical condition affecting brain functioning. It's particularly helpful for diagnosing learning disabilities, ADHD, and other developmental issues. The evaluation provides comprehensive information about an adolescent’s strengths and weaknesses in learning and cognition. This data is crucial for developing an effective Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Section 504 Accommodation Plan that addresses specific educational needs.

Do Parents Need to Be Involved in the Process for Adolescents?

Parental involvement is crucial. Parents may need to provide a detailed developmental history, academic records, and observations of their child’s behavior and skills.

What Happens After the Evaluation for an Adolescent?

Post-evaluation, a detailed report is provided, outlining strengths, weaknesses, and specific recommendations for intervention and/or educational supports. This report is integral to the IEP process, accommodations on the SAT or other exams, and creating a treatment plan in a therapy setting. A feedback appointment with the adolescent and their caregivers is included to review the findings and recommendations, as well as to answer questions.

What Happens After the Evaluation for Adults?

Following the evaluation, the neuropsychologist will provide a feedback appointment and a detailed report with the findings and recommendations. This report is often used to inform treatment planning, compensatory strategies, workplace accommodations, or relational adjustments.

Is the Evaluation Covered by Insurance and Do I Need a Referral?

Insurance coverage for neuropsychological evaluations varies by plan. Our practice provides clients with a Superbill to submit to their insurance, although we cannot guarantee coverage. We recommend checking with your insurance provider to understand the specifics of neuropsychological evaluation coverage. Regarding referrals, while they are not always necessary, they can be beneficial. Referrals may come from physicians, psychologists, educators, or other healthcare providers. Self-referrals are accepted at Prism! 

How Should I Prepare for the Evaluation?

It's important to get a good night's sleep before the evaluation and to bring any glasses, hearing aids, or other assistive devices you use. Also, please bring a list of medications and relevant medical records.

Is the Information from the Evaluation Confidential?

Yes, the information shared during a neuropsychological evaluation is confidential. If you choose not to use insurance coverage, there will be no record of the evaluation, and can be done for personal interest or to inform support. It is only shared with your consent or as required by law.